ICFHR 2008 Main Page











Camera-Ready Paper Format


1.      Paper must not exceed six (6) pages.

2.      Paper must be written in English.

3.      Submitted paper must be in PDF format.

4.      Paper Format:

a.       Letter Sized Pages (8.5” x 11.00”)

b.      Two column text and images

c.       Times New Roman font

d.      10-point font size


For detailed description on paper format, please download the guidelines documentation in any of the following formats:


·        Adobe PDF

·        Microsoft Word

·        Latex



Paper Submission Procedure


To submit your paper, please visit the following page:




Sign in with your account name (your email) and password.  If you forgot your password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link. 


Please make sure you read the reviewer comments and make the suggested changes and/or corrections.  Follow the instructions to submit your camera-ready paper. 


Note that all authors are required to sign and fax a copyright form to allow us to provide an online version of the papers.  You can read more information and download the copyright form here.

Montreal region is a tourist destination and accommodations are at a premium during the summer. If you would like accommodations at local hotels offering conference rates, please make reservations no later than July 18th, 2008.